Day #3683 (Wed., Feb. 5, 2020) – Play Doh Aliens
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Today the kids and I made some “aliens” out of Play Doh (see photo to the right). I put them up on the counter after we were done so that they will dry. Once they are dry we will be able to play with them.
Bobby has been tormenting Katie all day. He is so much harder to handle now that he has been cooped up for days with no running outside or any of his friends to play with. After a quick Skype session with my wife I took the kids back to McDonalds so they they could get another Happy Meal. Katie loved the horse and Bobby loved the car that they got in their Happy Meals the other day.
I’m going to do my best to see that Bobby goes to school tomorrow. He needs the exercise and Katie and I need the break.