Day #3689 (Tue., Feb. 11, 2020) – Last Nap Day?

I drove Bobby to school and picked him up at 1 pm today. He got a chance to play behind the school a bit with Graham, but when Graham went to the bathroom Bobby followed and we left the school grounds afterwards.

My wife put Bobby to bed today, but since he has kicked the flu he needs less sleep. Could today be the “Last Nap Day” for Bobby?

Bobby and Katie are in the process of creating Valentines to give to their school friends. You can see Bobby’s in the photo to the right.

Arnesa is leaving for Bonsia on March 1st, so we will be having two birthday parties for Bobby. We will be celebrating his birthday with Arnesa and family and his classmates on February 29th, and then we as a family will be celebrating his birthday on March 11th. In the end he will get two birthdays, which he will love, and Arnesa and family will be able to be apart of the huge celebration.