Day #3702 (Mon., Feb. 24, 2020) – Just A Cold…

Katie home sick today. I took her to the doctor while Bobby was in preschool. As it turns out she has the early stages of a cold. After fighting of strains A and B of the flu we are viewing “just a cold” as being “a good sign”… Pathetic…

We sorted through the various Legos and put them on the dining room table (see photo to the right). We are gradually getting ready for Bobby’s bithday.

The stock market TANKED today. It was down roughly 1000 points due to the unknown of the corona virus and fear and panic on Wall Street.

I picked up Bobby up right after class today and brought him home. He was upset as wanted to go to the park but we needed to get home as Katie was home alone.

I make “Instant Pot” Chicken stew this afternoon. This should hit the spot for Katie’s cold.

This afternoon I went to Walgreens to pick up my wife’s prescription.

Maple senses Katie is sick by sleeping with her. If she is not sick, Maple will not sleep with her.