Day #13 (Sat., Jan. 16, 2010) – The Wonderful Warmer
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3:45am – Little Katie is having her very early morning breakfast now.
8:30am – Time for Katie’s breakfast #2. She has the hiccups and this usually stops them. She’s becoming much more inquisitive about the world around her. Who are these two big people who are always around and occupying the space around her crib?
10:30am – My wife and I just finished our scrambled eggs and bagels for breakfast. Little Katie is sleeping soundly.
1:45pm – Little Katie just spit up all over my wife. She seems to be doing this more often now. Wonder why? Probably just gas from the feedings.
3:30pm – What a great little piece of technology Skype is. My mother was able to see little Katie again via the technological advances this piece of software provides. Katie was up and about and more energetic than last week, and my mother commented on how bright and wide open her eyes were.
3:45pm – My wife and I had another Skype session with her parents. They were really excited to see little Katie. She is becoming so animated now, and the life of the party!
6:30pm – I’d like to talk a bit about another great little device we have. It’s a tissue wipe warmer and I’m sure that the baby appreciates it just as much as we do. When you are changing little Katie’s diaper you need wipes to clean up any messes and this little device keeps them nice and warm…something that is nice for baby’s sensitive skin.
8:30pm – My wife and I are having a late dinner tonight. Little Katie too. I made my wife and I some garlic chicken, and some special brownies are just finishing off in the oven. Wonder how little Katie will like the garlic taste of the chicken? She’ll probably get that “taste” from the milk in a few hours from now. Maybe the “taste” from the brownies that are sure to follow will help to make up for it. Sorry in advance for the garlic little Katie…at least we know Dracula will stay away from you…
10:30pm – Little Katie is resting comfortably now. For how long is anyone’s guess. When she decides she is hungry she decides quickly (and let’s us know of this decision even quicker). My ears are still ringing from the dinner bell earlier this evening!
1) The wonderful tissue wipe warmer.
2) Will baby taste the garlic?