Day #3704 (Wed., Feb. 26, 2020) – Southpoint Play Area?

After preschool today Bobby invited himself to Graham’s House. Sarah was having Frankie and Amy over today, but said that we could come over tomorrow. It’s a shame that we can’t have all three boys together, but Frankie is very jealous of Bobby.

I took Bobby to the new MLK park but nobody was there that Bobby wanted to play with. I called up Arnesa asking if she wanted me to take Ayra, but no reply.

So… We decided to go to Southpoint Mall to see the new indoor play area that they developed. Bobby fell asleep in the back seat of the car on the way there, so I just turned around and went home. He slept in the backseat in the car for an hour or two (see photo to the right), then came into the house, got his lunchbox out of the fridge, and had a little lunch while he watched television.