Day #3718 (Wed., Mar. 11, 2020) – Bobby Turns Five!

Bobby turned five years old this morning. He met me at the bedroom door with the Lego Police Transport carrier. He followed the instructions and finished it off himself. I was thinking that we would do it together this afternoon.

I took the cupcakes that I got from Harris-Teeter to Bobby’s preschool today. My wife put little chocolate Lego men on top of them (see photo to the right). He told me that the class sang Happy Birthday to him today and he was “Kid Of The Day”.

It’s Wednesday, so Bobby and Ori played behind the preschool after school today. I then took Bobby home where we played with this Lego Police Transport Set. I made him a grilled cheese sandwich but it was Maple who ended up enjoying it.

Katie took the Lego project that Murren and her (and my wife) made yesterday to school today.

It looks like Sarah and Graham will be taking care of Bobby this Sunday. My wife and Katie and I are planning to go see Les Miserables.