Day #3722 (Sun., Mar. 15, 2020) – Trader Joe’s Panic
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I just happened to be up this morning so I drove by Trader Joe’s just before they opened at 8 am this morning (see photo to the right). People are already starting to panic and stock up on supplies. A bet a lot of these people who lined up today were people who came to the store last night only to find empty shelves.
Guenther came over to play with Katie and Bobby today. The four of us in this house can pretty well live a life of seclusion. We have food and can work from home and the kids are out of school. The only “wild card” is Guenther and his younger brother coming over to play. If they happen to give the Corona Virus to Bobby then all bets are off.
It was revealed that one person at the Lego convention in Raleigh had the corona virus and passed it to the other people in attendance.