Day #3733 (Thu., Mar. 26, 2020) – Bobby’s New Haircut

Bobby’s hair was becoming unmanageable so my wife took the scissors to it (see photo to the left).  Not a bad job.  Saved us a few $$$.  We’re certainly not going to venture out into the “corona virus infested” world to get a haircut!

I wonder how CiCi is doing these days?  She moved to the Governor’s Club area after Fantastic Sam’s at the strip mall shut down.  One of the last things people will probably need these days is a haircut…since they are not going anywhere.  I suppose the exception is if  you are having a lot of meetings via Skype and Zoom.

A very bad sign…  The US has just surpassed China in the number of corona virus cases worldwide.  When will this ever end?  There is no end in sight.  It doesn’t even seem that we are close to leveling off here in the United States!

There is talk of Donald Trump loosening restrictions around Easter time. This is much against the suggestion of health experts. How in the world will loosening restrictions work anyway? Nobody seems to know and it’s certainly unwise to experiment with a virus that is contagious and dangerous as this one is…

We are certainly not going to let our kids go anywhere near anyone else till we have some clear understanding of what is being done. People are not even tested yet! And it’s said that you can have the corona virus and not even show symptoms.

We’re just going to camp out here at home, reduce our exposure to other people, and ride this out till we feel safer to have people around us.

One advantage to being at home is “more time”. When you think of all the time that you spend going to and from work, taking kids to and from school, and all those parties and after school activities…we have all this free time for ourselves these days.