Day #3737 (Mon., Mar. 30, 2020) – Game Of Twister

Bobby found a decoder ring this morning. I told him that I could show Katie and him how to create a secret code so that he and Katie could pass notes and nobody would know what they say. He was all in for this till I showed him the process (see photo to the right). It was a bit too involved for him, and more “work” than “play”, so he soon lost interest.

Bobby was upset this morning because the handlebars on his bike were not 100% straight. I was able to fix them for him, after a bit of “crying” drama. It would normally be a quick fix, but I cannot find my tools anymore. Bobby went through a phase where he would take them. Heaven knows where they are now. Some are probably in the woods right now. I happened to see a pair of scissors in our backyard when I was looking down from the patio the other day.

We found the “Twister” game out of one of the boxes lying around the house so the kids enjoyed playing with that.