Day #3741 (Fri., Apr. 3, 2020) – Minecraft
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Brian has offered to give us a door for Bobby’s Lego collection. We’re now trying to get it cut so that it will fit the space properly.
Bobby did a drawing today (see photo to the right). It’s a house with an attic.
Both of the kids wanted a grilled cheese today. I was happy to oblige, but we are running low on bread.
Both Katie and Bobby are enjoying playing the Minecraft game these days. It’s owned by Microsoft, and you build things and create a virtual world. Kind of sounds like Sim City to me.
This afternoon we took a drive around Chapel Hill. My wife wanted to get out of the house. We drove down Franklin Street and saw that many people were not taking this social distancing thing seriously. We cut the drive short as Bobby wanted to go home and get a drink of water. Once we got home he didn’t drink water after all…