Day #3766 (Tue., Apr. 28, 2020) – The Doll
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Bobby drew pictures of houses this morning and colored them in. He has been experimenting with what color you get when you mix this color with that.
A dog in Chapel Hill has contracted Covid-19. In addition, it looks like Chapel Hill will be the next host spot as the number of cases has spiked.

My wife is overwhelmed with work, so she is taking a couple of days off. She thought today was Wednesday, so it looks like she will be going back to work on Friday.
My wife bought some corn starch and this afternoon they mixed it with water and put it into our plastic turtle pool, but the results were less than desirable. This worked great at the UNC Science Fair last year. You can run over the concoction but if you walk on it you will sink.
Katie and Bobby are making a movie. They are calling it the “Dollmaker” for now. It’s about a doll (see photo to the left) who is stuck at home and wants to make people dolls as well so that they will be as miserable as she is. I told Katie that if you want to make a person a doll you put too dark lines on the end of the mouth. This makes the person look like a ventriloquist dummy.
Bobby decided to sleep in Katie’s room tonight.