Day #3769 (Fri., May 1, 2020) – Ghost Town Village
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The photo to the left is a pretty common scene these days…Katie doing her homework on the dining room table.
We have ordered a new drone via Amazon. Hopefully this one will be easier to fly. I think it will keep Bobby busy.
Aldi delivered groceries today. We had lasagna for the evening meal. Those little packaged Caesar salads they have are delish.
Margaret might be in the Mandarin Program with Bobby this fall. She has to win the lottery, but since she is a native Chinese speaker she has an advantage.
We will need to pay for two school lunches this year, for Katie and Bobby. This will be the first year that they will attend the same school…unless we are still quarantining.
We saw a YouTube video this evening about an abandoned theme park near Ashville. It’s called Ghost Town Village in Maggie Valley.