Day #264 (Fri., Sept. 24, 2010) – The $8.00 Toy Chest
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3:20am – Little Katie was mumbling and crying a bit so I went to get her. She was sitting up in her crib. She tries to sit up whenever she can these days. Won’t be long til we will have a hard time keeping an eye on her…
My wife sent me a series of emails while I was at work:
Katie is acting strange today… Eats less, sleeps more, cries… Only after two hours of being up she started fussing and rubbing her ears, so I put her to bed – it’s been 25 minutes since then and she is still up. Go figure…

For some reason she ate just a half of veggies, but happily ate yogurt after that. Is she developing a sweet tooth???
Katie is reading a book to herself – aloud! She napped for 2 hours and refused to nurse after she got up. It started happening pretty often..
My wife found a toy chest (see photo to the right) on Craigslist for $8.00. I met with the lady at a nearby mall to pick it up. Now little Katie will have a proper storage container for her toys as opposed to a cardboard box. Judging by how many toys she has maybe we should have gotten a six-pack of them…
1) Little Katie got a toy chest today.