Day #3801 (Tue., Jun 2, 2020) – 3D Capitol Building Puzzle
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My wife is learning all about Medicare and the various data sets. She says that this information will be valuable for me when it comes time to apply for it. That time will be here before you know it…time sure goes fast.
The photo to the right shows the 3D Capitol Building puzzle that my wife and the kids (mostly my wife) have just completed.
Bobby was playing with his Legos and built a Lego palm tree. It got me thinking as to whether or not there was a Lego monkey or jungle animal set, so we went searching on YouTube. Sure enough, there it was. Actually there were quite a few, but the one that really caught Bobby’s eye was the one with the little Lego alligator. I looked it up on Amazon and it is only $15, so we ordered it for him.
We got some Lego traffic lights in the mail today.
I fixed the Lego “Street Sweeper” vehicle that Bobby recently got. One of the brushes was stuck.
Katie and Bobby went outside this afternoon to do another video on my wife’s phone. Katie is all into creating and editing videos these days.