Day #3811 (Fri., Jun 12, 2020) – Brother Sister Alien
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The kids and I sat around the dining room table and drew and colored pictures for a bit this afternoon. I created the creature to the left and asked the kids to guess what it was. It was a brother and sister alien two-headed monster. As there were a boy and a girl, they had to share a bathing suit when they went to the pool. A top for the girl and the shorts for a boy. When they got into the pool they were attacked by a shark.
The Sea Monkeys on Mars kit came this evening. I didn’t give it to the kids tonight as we will need to spend some time reading about them and getting the tank ready.
Katie was working on her Lego beauty parlor today.
After my wife put Bobby to bed this evening he came out of bed for a squishable yogurt and apple slices. He went back to bed and then back for another bowl of apple slices.