Day #3824 (Thu., Jun 25, 2020) – New Popcorn Maker

The old “Orville Redenbacher” popcorn I has given up the ghost so we ordered a new one from Amazon. It came today (see photo to the right). We decided to get one with the “old-fashioned popcorn feel” as it will hopefully make up for our lack of being able to go to the movies these days.

We used it today while we watched the movie “Narnia – Prince Caspian). We also had some gummies and watered down mango juice. We watched only half the movie as Bobby got restless. To be continued…

Bobby was very restless today and would not leave his sister alone, so I had a good wrestle with him on the bed tonight. Katie needs to learn to stick up for herself more when Bobby torments her.

Katie and Murren are fighting these days. Apparently Murren said that Katie was not her friend and Katie texted back the same.