Day #3837 (Wed., July 8, 2020) – Tadpoles & Broccoli
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We tried to get the stomp rockets out of the tree with a basketball today. Katie was really upset as their was a nest in the tree as well.
Katie has taken to feeding broccoli to her tadpoles (see photo to the right). You can actually see them munching on it, so they must like it.
The Sea Monkeys are sometimes attaching to each other. My wife looked it up online and apparently that is how they fertilize. I wonder how many of these little things will be swimming around a few days or weeks from now?
I took a drive around Chapel Hill with the kids so that my wife could work in peace and quiet. The kids munched on Oreos in the backseat.
We got a hot dog maker via Amazon today. You can cook the hot dog and toast the bun at the same time. Convenience…