Day #3866 (Thu., Aug. 6, 2020) – A Frog’s Life
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I gave Bobby another guitar lesson today. I showed him now to determine if he has a right or left-handed guitar (the heavy string is on the top and the pickguard is towards the bottom). I should have learned right-handed… It would have provided me with more playing opportunities at the parties of friends.
Bobby wanted to play a game of building a tall tower out of blocks this afternoon. His rules were that I was not allowed to adjust them once I put them on (Bobby is good at making up rules … in fact, I think he likes making rules more than he likes actually playing the game). Maple almost destroyed the tower with her tail. Maple destroyed my guitar tuner.
Katie was tending to her frogs today (see photo to the right). She put them in the sandbox, but it started to rain so she had to make adjustments and bring them back under the carport so they would not drown. It seems that as soon as their legs are big enough the “jump off”, back to the swamp or something.