Day #3873 (Thu., Aug. 13, 2020) – Glenwood School Supplies

We got a delivery from Aldi this morning. They didn’t give me as much cream as I wanted and the almond butter had sugar, but it is what it is… I sure miss going to get my own groceries at Trader Joes.

My wife took the kids to Glenwood today to get their supplies. Next Monday is the first day of class! Katie got to see Dylan and they actually both got out of the car to say hi to each other.

The school handed out another Chromebook fir Katie, and Bobby got a tablet, which he loves (see photo to the left).

This evening my wife projected the “Welcome to Glenwood” sessions on the television in the living room. There were three. There was a general “Welcome To Glenwood” session, then a separate welcome session for Bobby, and another one for Katie.

Delaney is not with Glenwood this year, so that problem has resolved itself.