Day #3878 (Tue., Aug. 18, 2020) – New Desktop PC

I was up all night on video calls to China.  I had two 15 minute naps, but then back to work.  I’m done this morning.  Good for the $, but it sure wipes you out.

My wife and I are still trying to figure out how to move forward in regards to our time and Covid-19.  We now have the education of our kids thrown into the mix.  Katie can pretty much go to class on her own (see photo to the right), but somebody needs to sit with Bobby.  It’s not just sitting there during class and making sure that he can use all the sound and mute and “click this” controls on the computer properly, but a matter of making sure he is engaged and not “goofing off” as well.  I could stay with him, but that would mean not having nights like last night and sleeping throughout the day…  We’ll adjust somehow.  We just keep reminding ourselves of how much better we have it compared to others during this pandemic.

I ordered my new Vostro PC yesterday and it arrived today.  Talk about fast shipping!  I was up and running on and back to calls to China this evening.