Day #3879 (Wed., Aug. 19, 2020) – Playing Simon
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Bobby and played on his tablet this afternoon. I tried to show him how to turn the word “boy” into a drawing of a “boy”, but it was a bit too much for him. We ended up playing Hangman. Hangman is good for Bobby as it helps him to discover new words, while the aspect of “Hanging Someone” is much less desirable…
In the end I wrote “supercalifragilisticexpialodocious” on the tablet (see photo to the left) and told Bobby to go tell Katie and his mother that he just won by solving this word on Hangman… A bit of a laugh during these dark days of COVID-19…
Another game that Bobby likes to play is “Simon”. It’s an old electronic game from when I was growing up in the 70s. Katie got it as a birthday present a while back.