Day #3914 (Wed., Sep. 23, 2020) – “Screen-Free” Day
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We are concerned that the kids are spending too much time on the computers and phones so we have declared this a “screen free” day. The kids did have an hour or so on the computer and phone this evening, while they were eating dinner, but for the most part they had to find other ways to spend the time. We notice that their attitudes are better when they are away from computers, phones, and other devices.
Katie took Maple for a walk this morning when we told her that this was a “Screen-Free” Day. She left without telling us. We thought she was mad, but she was not. We told her that she had to tell us where she was going from now on. She could have “disappeared”, or broke her leg in the woods, and we would have no idea where she was.
This evening Bobby and I drew on the glass over his desk with the erasable markers that my wife recently bought him (see photo to the left). He drew a couple of rowboats with motors in them. I thought the motors were one-eyed aliens.