Day #270 (Thu., Sept. 30, 2010) – Little Katie’s Flight Vest
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Little Katie slept for 10 hours in one stretch last night. The night before it was 9 hours. Let’s hope the trend continues…

At noon today I went to a ladies house to pick up a flight vest (see photo to the right) for little Katie. This will secure her snugly to her mother when she takes a flight. She wiggles and squirms so much on our laps it’s hard to imagine a long flight without one. My wife found it on CraigsList for $15.00. Both the lady and her husband are from New Brunswick.
After work this evening I stopped off at Target to pick up a new baby seat for little Katie. We decided upon “The Evenflo Triumph 65 Convertible Car Seat – Bardsdale”. This one will go in my Camry.
While I was at Target I went looking for some fly traps. I couldn’t find them (or a sales clerk for that matter). When I did manage to eventually find a sales lady I asked her where the fly traps were. She said, “What do you want them for”? I replied “To catch flies”??? She said, “Oh, they are in pet supplies”! I said “I want to kill them…not make a pet out of them”. In the end I went to Home Depot…
This evening I went through the “Farm Animals” book with little Katie. I go through the pages, say the name of the farm animal, and do my best to make the sound of the animal. When I hit the sheep I did “Baaaaa”. It seems like little Katie was trying to mimic me on that one…
1) Little Katie did a sheep impersonation this evening.