Day #3920 (Tue., Sep. 29, 2020) – Maple Drags Bobby
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The photo to the right shows a drawing that Bobby did today.
We played a game with Maple this evening. We would put a tennis ball in Bobby’s pants and Maple would try to get it. She ended up chasing Bobby and dragging him around the house. She had that much desire to get that tennis ball.
My wife purchased some bolt cutters on Amazon tonight. I will use them to fix Katie’s bike once they come. I remember the good ole’ days when I could just go and grab a tool from downstairs because I knew where they all were. We all seem so disorganized these days…
The first Trump-Biden debate was on tv tonight.
Oh, the process I outlined last night… The kids need to eat first, then they will get to play on the computer and have dessert… It worked great this evening!