Day #3950 (Thu., Oct. 29, 2020) – Pixy Stix

I woke up early this morning and went to the kitchen to get a mug. Robin was on a chair in the living room. As soon as I folded the fleece and put it on the chair he jumped onto it with his claws going back and forth. He sure loves his fleece.

The Pixy Stix arrived (see photo to the right) for our COVID-19 Halloween Celebration.

There was a horrible wind storm this afternoon. I had a nap and was worried that one of the trees might snap.

The fishing line that I will use to pull the rope over the tree limb arrived via Amazon.

I asked Katie if she still wanted a dog given the fact that Maple has to be taken outside and played with and this takes time away from her playing on the computer. She said yes. To her Maple is part of the family and she makes her happy when she is sad.