Day #274 (Mon., Oct. 4, 2010) – Our Long, Lean, Little Girl…
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Our little girl is 9 months old today. My oh my time sure flies…

The photo to the right shows some of the “furry” books that my wife has picked up at various consignment sales. The pages are “cardboard”, so little Katie will not rip them to shreads like she will the pages of a normal book. In addition, there are various different textures that she can stroke and learn from on the various pages. For example, here is what a dog’s fur or a ponies nose feels like.
My wife took little Katie to the doctor today for her “9th month” appointment. Our little Katie’s measurements mean that she is switching from a chubby little dumpling into a long lean girl. It’s the first time her height percentile is higher than her weight… Her weight is 20 lbs 3 oz which is closer to the 75th percentile (the nurse wrote 75-90%) and her height is 28.75″ which is closer to the 90th percentile (the nurse wrote 95%, but my wife thinks that she made a mistake).
The doctor got a kick out of my wife’s concern that Katie keeps falling and banging her head… She really got giggles and said that it’s perfectly normal and we shouldn’t expect her walking smoothly at this age… It’s really amazing how much abuse their little bodies are subjected to…and are able to withstand…
My wife told me that little Katie ripped the paper on the examination table while at the doctor’s office today. Our little chipmunk never passes up on the opportunity to rip some paper…
1) Little Katie is becoming a long, lean girl.