Day #4021 (Fri., Jan. 8, 2021) – Online Design Fashion Class
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Katie taught Bobby how to play a little drum rift to accompany a piano piece that she is composing. It’s rather basic and simple, but we all have to start somewhere. Family band? We’ll see…
I got out the rope that we purchased to secure the broken tree branch to our patio and the kids and I had a “Tug of War” this afternoon. Good fun, but the kids soon got tired of it. We also played a bit of “Maple in the Middle”, which Maple loves of course.
Katie won some kind of an award on Covet, an online fashion app. She really has quite the knack for it, and she is competing against a lot of adults.
To encourage Katie’s fashion design interest, my wife signed her up for an online clothing design class. The first class was tonight at 6pm. You can see the initial drawing she did in the photo to the left.