Day #280 (Sun., Oct. 10, 2010) – Leaning On The Crib
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When I got up this morning my wife told me that little Katie had been up every 3 hours or so last night. I slept through it. I took little Katie and my wife went back to bed. We talked to my mother while we played in the playyard.

I made some “Pumpkin Bread” this morning. Trader Joe’s says that people wait all year for it to come in stock…so I had to get a box when I went there on Friday. Something for my wife to wake up to. Delish!!!
Little Katie was eyeing the plush monkey (photo to the right) on the other side of the room so I thought she was really interested in it. She dragged it around for a while then let it go. Guess the actual toy was not as fascinating as the anticipation of having it. I bet if I had put it out of arms reach for a while she would have had more pride in her catch…
My wife sent me this email on what babies can do at 13 to 18 months. Well, little Katie can already turn the pages in books, but has no idea in how to put blocks together. In fact, at 8 months she is great at destroying any sort of structure that I can manage to assemble.
My wife was trying to put little Katie to bed this afternoon and she called for me to come and see. Little Katie was standing up by herself “almost”…she did need to lean on the side of the crib. Our little chipmunk will be up and running in no time…
1) Little Katie was leaning on the side of the crib all by herself this afternoon.