Day #4059 (Mon., Feb. 15, 2021) – Tinginys (Lazy Cake)
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It’s President’s Day so the kids have today off from school. My wife and I have to work though.
In honor of Lithuanian Independence Day (which is tomorrow), the kids and I made Tinginys, or Lazy Cake, this afternoon (see photo to the right). We didn’t have any condensed milk, so I used evaporated milk. The lack of sugar left the cake less sweet, but I actually liked it… My wife noticed that it was not as sweet as the versions she has had in the past.
In my “lack of sleep” mind I was thinking that my wife and I could take the kids to Lithuania for Christmas this year. What was I thinking? We probably won’t be free and clear from the pandemic by then, at least as far as airline travel goes. In addition, my wife and I have had terrible experiences in travelling via air during the winter months.