Day #4064 (Sat., Feb. 20, 2021) – McCafe Coffee

I am just loving this McCafe Coffee that we recently bought from Amazon (see photo to the left). It reminds me of all those great Daddy/Daughter and Daddy/Son Days I had at McDonalds with Katie and Bobby before COVID-19.

Bobby had a nap at noon today. All these “up early in the morning to play video games” got to him…

It’s Saturday, so it’s Chinese class via zoom this afternoon. Katie and I worked on a bit more of his Lego Minecraft kit while Katie and my wife were in class. I got him some candy from Amazon the other day. and he munched on that while he put together the various figures.

Katie was watching a bit of the Sound of Music this evening. It’s been a long time since she watched it and forgot a lot of the songs and plot.