Day #4077 (Fri., Mar. 5, 2021) – Waiting For The Pulley

The swing rope is stuck to the tree, and no matter how hard I pull, it will not budge. Today I tied one end of the rope to my Camry and started to drive… It eventually came free. The rope just slid through the sleeve, but the sleeve is not budging. It must have been the duct tape that I attached the rope to the sleeve with…that was where the tension was coming from. We’re now ready for the pulley I ordered from Amazon to arrive…

We are in planning mode for Bobby’s upcoming birthday party. We will be having a “Minecraft Online Birthday” with his friends. We ordered a Minecraft T-Shirt for him today. We also plan to give him a Lego Minecraft set.

I took the Camry out for a drive around Chapel Hill this afternoon. This is the first time that I’ve driven it around in about three months. I’ve been a bit cautious about going out with all these COVID-19 virus variations around.

I see that “Raya and the Last Dragon” is now streaming on Disney+. We’ll have to have a family day in the living room tomorrow in which the whole family watches it together.