Day #281 (Mon., Oct. 11, 2010) – Roaming The Halls
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Back to work for me and another tough day around the house for my wife. Little Katie was up last night every few hours. She did manage to sleep from 9am – 10:45am this morning (and my wife got a chance to take a well-deserved nap as well).

My wife told me that she let little Katie take “a spin” out of the playyard this afternoon (which seems to be one of her main goals in life these days). As she watched over her, our little chipmunk wandered down the hallway and into the nursery and our bedroom…of course carefully observing everything along the way.
The photo to the right shows a new addition to little Katie’s toy collection. It’s basically another activity station, one that makes noises and sounds and music depending on which button you click. My wife figured out how to take the legs off of it, and it now resides in the playyard. When you turn the little wheel (shown in the middle-left of the picture, a young lady will sing the “ABC” song. She has quite a nice voice, and this little device renders it well). See the little green compartment on the middle-right? Well, little Katie likes it when I put little green frogs in it…she has to go and rescue them of course…
Our camera has “had it”. It has served us well in recording the first nine months of little Katie’s life, but its time has come. We have already had to use duct tape to secure the battery holder, but it has finally lost its ability to provide flash photography. My wife and I examined all the various cameras online, and decided upon a little Sony model. Good quality name, good reviews, and it will be easier to take videos of little Katie (one of the main complaints we had with our current camera). My wife ordered it tonight and it should be here in a couple of days…
1) Little Katie got a chance to roam around the hallways today.