Day #4118 (Thu., Apr. 15, 2021) – Glenwood Yearbook

The gates for Maple’s fence have arrived (see photo to the left).

Bobby fell down and scrapes his knee this afternoon and needed a bandaid.

Due to COVID-19 Glenwood will not be producing a yearbook this year.  It’s a shame, as this is Katie’s last year at the school.  My wife volunteered to help coordinate the various parents supplying photos and comments, so we can develop a “sort of” yearbook on our own.

We finished off the “Bumblebee” movie this afternoon.  Both kids really enjoyed it.  Bobby loved the action and Katie loved the romance aspect.  We didn’t have any gummies, so along with popcorn they go to munch on Oreo cookies and some Ferrero Rochet chocolates that my wife found.