Day #4121 (Sun., Apr. 18, 2021) – “The Secret” Movie
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I started watching “The Secret” with Katie this evening. This will be our Daddy/Daughter Day #105. It looks like we will be watching a bit each evening…so not really a “Day” per say…but then again, everything is different given these COVID-19 days.
The pollen is really getting to me… I’m so tired that I can barely get out of my own way. I get my second Moderna shot tomorrow. They say that I will be tired as a result. More tired than I am right now? Hard to comprehend…
Bobby found the Lego set that my wife hid in the laundry room. I will have to do it will Bobby soon.
My huge magic set arrived this afternoon (see photo to the right). I wonder, will this be the theme for Bobby’s birthday party next year? I certainly have enough magic tricks now…