Day #4126 (Fri., Apr. 23, 2021) – Lego Fighter Jet
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Bobby and I opened up the Lego Fighter Jet and Transport Truck Kit (see photo to the right) and got to work this afternoon. We were able to finish the fighter jet as Bobby wanted to do this first. We will do the transport truck another day…
While Bobby was putting the Lego pieces together he accidentally dropped the pilot’s head. We spent a lot of time looking for it. My wife, with her good eyes, and the ability to get on her knees, actually found it. I explained to Bobby how he needed to only put one piece in his hand and put it on the existing piece. In this way, the chances of dropping pieces was limited. I told him about my days as a camera repairman and how we had to be very careful not to lose any springs…lest we not be able to get another one like it.
My new Fender Mustang LT25 guitar amp came this afternoon. It is now sitting on the other side of the LazyBoy, across from the guitar stand that we put up yesterday.
Katie and I finished watching “The Secret” on the television in the living room this evening. I told her that one of the main things she needs to take away from the show is “Don’t Give Up”. Just because something doesn’t happen immediately doesn’t mean “no”… Just keep at it and success is assured!