Day #4127 (Sat., Apr. 24, 2021) – Lego Transport Truck
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My wife and Katie had Chinese class this afternoon so I tended to Bobby.
We ended up putting the Lego truck together that came with the fighter jet (see photo to the left). Instead of continuing on and finishing off the transport trailer, Bobby got tired of putting things together. He wanted to play, so we got out the Play Doh and played with that. I showed Bobby how to roll a huge roll of the stuff and use scissors to cut it and make cinnamon rolls. He was all over that.
Eventually Bobby wanted to watch some television, so we watched “Mini Force” on Netflix. This is the first time that Bobby has seen this series. The pollen started to get to me, so I fell asleep while he watched away.
I plugged my new Fender amp in for the first time this evening. I see that my Australian Strat needs to get the pickups fixed…lots of static when I plugged it in.
It rained all day today. Hopefully this will help me with the pollen situation tomorrow.