Day #286 (Sat., Oct. 16, 2010) – Apex Consignment Sale
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My wife and I went to another consignment sale today. Since is the last day of the sale, and some of the “green tag” items are 50% off, we thought there would not be much of a selection. Boy were we wrong…

Little Katie loved to get out to the sale and see (and stare) at the people. A Chick-Fil-A “cow” mascot did everything but stand on her head but little Katie would not budge. Stare, stare, stare til the poor helpless cow went mooo”v”ing along…
The photo to the left shows the huge selection of items. I let little Katie out of the stroller while my wife shopped, and she “roamed” the grounds a bit. She worked her way over to some activity toys where a little blonde girl was playing. Little Katie was glad to see her…the little blonde girl, hmmm, “not so much”. Her mother made her give little Katie one of the balls she was playing with. When little Katie put it into her mouth I promptly gave it back to her… We don’t need any “Consignment Sale Germs” coming into our house.
I made some banana bread this evening and little Katie was more than happy to help out with her “stares of encouragement”. I pretended to sneak up on her and give her hand a kiss…she liked that…
1) Little Katie had great fun roaming the floors of the consignment sale today.