Day #4136 (Mon., May 3, 2021) – Roblox Rewards

It’s crazy hat day at Bobby’s kindergarten class today (see photo to the left).

There was a big fracas today between Katie and Bobby. I guess Katie was allowing Bobby to go into her Roblox account because she trusted him, and he spent all her Roblox dollars on some game without her permission. My wife credited her account back with more dollars. Bobby, as a result, was not allowed to play on the computer this evening. He was not too pleased at first, but eventually wandered into the bathtub for a bath…

Katie is getting more and more into “The Secret” these days. She told me this evening that rather than get upset she tries to think of good things and hardness the power of “The Secret”. Sounds like a good motivational technique to move her in the right direction as she gets older…

I set up the chess set on the table next to the piano. Katie and I will take turns playing it coming and going…