Day #287 (Sun., Oct. 17, 2010) – The Baby Gate

We had a Skype session with my mother this morning. I called my sister as well. Little Katie said “hi” (in baby talk of course) to each of them.

2010-10-17 - Baby GateI installed the baby gate (see photo to the right) today on the stairs leading to the ground floor. I had to rip up the shelf on the banister to do it. I’ll “mudd” it and re-paint it next week. Little Katie is such a “roaming” little chipmunk these days it adds that extra bit of safety in case she decides to “take off” on a massive crawl…

I took little Katie out for a stroll this afternoon. She was so excited…she has not had a stroll in a while… We saw a lady with a dog named “Angel”. She knew little Katie. I guess my wife and her mother have talked to her on previous strolls.

1) Little Katie has a new safety feature (baby gate) in place now…