Day #4139 (Thu., May 6, 2021) – Wegmans
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My wife went to Wegmans for the first time this morning. Now that it has been two weeks since her vaccines shots she can feel more bold about venturing out. Wegmans is one of those places that opened up during the pandemic, but we have been cautious about going there…till now…
My wife didn’t really care for Wegmans much. It has specialty “ready to heat and eat” meals, and certainly a lot of great baked goods, but it is HUGE…like Harris-Teeter. It seems that you can roam the aisles a lot and you don’t really know where anything is. We really like Trader Joe’s as we know where things are, we can rest assured that the foods are relatively healthy. You can simply go in, grab what we want, and get out. Once the pandemic is over it looks like we will be going back to our old haunts of Trader Joe’s and Sam’s Club (with Aldi added to the mix as well).
Katie recommended a book to Bobby and he just sat down and read the first chapter (see photo to the left).
The gates are up now. This afternoon my wife helped the fencing guy put some of the fencing mesh up.
We are thinking of painting Katie’s door, and her drawer’s need to have the issues with the “chipped purple paint” resolved.