Day #4166 (Wed., Jun 2, 2021) – 1931 Journal
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My wife took Maple to the vet this afternoon for a consult. We are going to have her spayed soon.
The “Wall Ninja’s” that I bought for Bobby on Sunday didn’t stick to the wall, so my wife ordered a bunch more from Amazon. They came today. These ones work much better.
I sat in with Katie on her “Roblox Coding Class” this afternoon. Just as I thought. You create objects and have attributes and events to manipulate them. She is getting the hang of it.
I found a journal in my belongings that my father wrote back in April, 1931 (see photo to the left). Yes, that’s right, April 1931. He drew some rowboats in the columns, so I can see now why I drew treehouses, boomerangs, and go-karts in the columns of my notebooks when I was bored in school.
We are getting Katie and Bobby to shred the old documents that we bring up from the basement.