Day #4178 (Mon., Jun 14, 2021) – Nuttela
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I went to Harris Teeter on MLK this afternoon and picked up some “Nuttela”. Bobby has been asking for it for a while now. I was not sure if he would love or hate it, so I got the “middle size”.
My wife purchased an inflatable water slide for our pool. It’s quite huge. We need a platform for it, but for now the kids are enjoying floating it in the pool with them.
My wife purchased a little ramp so that Maple can get in and out of the house while she is recovering from her surgery (see photo to the left). I don’t think I ever saw her use it. It sure makes it inconvenient for people who want to use the stairs and have to bypass it though.
I put Bobby to bed this evening. He was “out like a light”. The combination of getting up early and swimming in the pool was too much for him…