Day #4185 (Mon., Jun 21, 2021) – Roblox Math

Today is Amazon Prime Day. Lots of specials on the go… I was looking up Roblox Math and Reading Books on and there are a number of them available. I’m not sure if we will get a discount as it is Amazon Prime Day, but it’s worth a try. My philosophy is that if Roblox or Minecraft are involved, it will steer the kids into the direction of math and reading… Certainly worth a try.

In a similar vein I saw a number of Roblox Math Programs being featured on YouTube. Maybe we can steer the kids in the direction of playing these games instead of just regular Roblox and Minecraft?

The kids had a swim this afternoon (about 30 minutes), and then they went to the tub (about an hour). I served them neopolitan ice cream (see photo to the right) on a cake ice cream cone for the first time while they soaked in the tub.

I put Bobby to bed this evening. I did the “3 Things” routine with him, like I used to do with Katie when I put her to bed years ago. I got him to mention “3 Things” and I told him a bedtime store out of those three things.