Day #4187 (Wed., Jun 23, 2021) – Fixing Katie’s Tire

Katie needs a new tire for her bike. I was thinking of just dropping it off at the shop, but figured that I could just as easily do it myself. I took Bobby to the bathroom and showed him how to spot the leak by putting the innertube into water. When I could not find my repair kit I figured I might as just well go buy a new tube.

I purchased a bike tube in Wal-Mart. I passed by the toy section realizing that this time has pretty well passed for Katie and Bobby…

On the way home I stopped off at Wegmans. This is the first time that I have been. It’s huge, about twice the size of Harris-Teeter I recon, and it has a bulk food section and a sushi bar as well. Their cheese section alone is about the size of the fruit & vegetable area of Trader Joes. I picked up a couple of donuts for Katie and Bobby, some ice cream sandwiches, and hot dogs for tonight’s dinner. I will have to go back and up and down each aisle when I have time to just see all that this store has to offer.