Day #4190 (Sat., Jun 26, 2021) – Synthesis School
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We were running out of milk so I went to Harris-Teeter early this morning. Along with the milk I picked up two strawberry donuts and some creamsicles for the kids. I also picked up six ears of corn to cook in the instant pot.
Since the pandemic we have been shopping around Harris-Teeter and Wegman’s, but it looks like we will be going back to Trader Joe’s for the majority of our grocery shopping. The issue is the milk. None of these other stores seem to have a great price on organic milk, which is one of the staples in our house.
The photo to the right shows the clothes that have overtaken the living room. My wife has gotten a lot of them out of the attic. She is organizing and tagging them to sell in a consignment sale this fall.
Katie had her first synthesis class today. She likes it. They had a puzzle with a constellation in today’s class and the kids took some time figuring it out. When Katie mentioned that all the kids deserved an award, the teacher wrote us a nice email saying that in all of his years teaching he has rarely seen a student with such a mature attitude.