Day #4220 (Mon., Jul 26, 2021) – The Cottage Fairy

Katie is sleeping in later and later these days. Not surprising, given that she is going to bed later. She says that she has a hard time falling asleep. Being up late watching the Olympics in Japan certainly isn’t helping.

Katie drew a beautiful picture today (see photo to the right). I told her about a YouTube channel I saw called “The Cottage Fairy”. On this channel, this young woman talks about why she has moved to the rural countryside to live a more basic life. She also has an Etsy store and sells her art. I told Katie that she could easily do something similar. Her videos are very basic, and are only about 7 minutes long. She has only 50+ videos on her channel, and I’m sure she is already pulling in a pretty penny with YouTube ad dollars.

This got Katie to thinking…