Day #4242 (Tue., Aug. 17, 2021) – HVAC Problems
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I’m in the process of backing up the 8mm video footage I took over my years of travel to the cloud. I already have about 20 hours uploaded… It feels nice. Now, even if my old camcorder dies…I have the footage stored digitally. It sure is nice to go back and see this footage after all these years, like West Virginia (see photo to the right). Not only is it nostalgic, it brings back a simpler time when the country was not at war. In fact >21 years ago means that we were not even in Afghanistan yet…
Well, we do have HVAC problems. It seems to be more than the Sup Pump. My wife made an appointment and the HVAC guy will come on Friday. It’s just too hot to not have an HVAC unit at this time of the year.
We are waiting to hear about the “online” school options for Katie and Bobby. As I told my wife a month or so ago… No need to stress out about this. The Delta Variant is raging so strongly they will HAVE to have an online option for the kids… “Daddy” is right again…