Day #295 (Mon., Oct. 25, 2010) – Multi-Colored Jigsaw Mats
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Little Katie was up by the time I left for work this morning…ready for a busy day of play, play, play…

On the way home from work this evening I stopped off at Sam’s Club to check out the multi-colored jigsaw playmats. We are concerned that little Katie might fall and hit her head of the laminate flooring and these little mats should do the trick nicely. Once we have no more little chipmunks to be concerned about we can turn them over and instead of multi-colored they are charcoal-gray…perfect for a garage or den.
The photo to the left shows the “stash” of mats that I carted away from Sam’s Club (8 packages in total). I had a hard time fitting them all into the car. When I got home my wife started to set them up in the playyard. I held little Katie as she supervised the whole operation. At first she seemed very concerned…very concerned indeed. Why was her favorite playyard being ripped up? Once the multi-colored mats started to be put into place she started to warm up to the whole idea and she generated squeals of delight.
1) Little Katie enjoys her multi-colored jigsaw playmats.