Day #4250 (Wed., Aug. 25, 2021) – Welcome Sophia!

My wife’s brother’s girlfriend in London had her baby today. Welcome Sophia to the world!

It’s hard to get the kids back into the “schoolwork” routine after taking the whole summer off. One of the questions that Bobby had to answer was “How many TV’s do we have?”. He replied “three”…he remembered that we have one in the basement.

The photo to the left shows the boxes we are going to be taking to the consignment sale this weekend.

My mind is racing today with all the thoughts for the 8mm video footage I have available to me now. I need to go through all the tapes, catalog what is on each of them, and figure out a plan to upload them. Before that though, up on the “cloud” they go. I don’t want to risk my camera breaking down due to age…

The school bus issue persists. They are leaving Glenwood later than expected due to the lack of bus drivers.