Day #4253 (Sat., Aug. 28, 2021) – Hurricane Ida

My wife ordered from Aldi this morning. I sure do miss Trader Joe’s and the carefree way we used to just get in the car and go and get what we wanted. They say that this Delta Variant will calm down in a few months, but we’ll have to wait and see. There might be a more deadly variant, that is able to evade vaccines, by then.

The photo to the right shows the candies that we purchased from Amazon. We get the big bag of cherry gummies as the 3 lb bag is much cheaper than the 1 lb bag. We just have to make sure that we pace ourselves and don’t eat them all at once.

The whole family got into the pool this afternoon. My wife and Katie got out to put a pizza in the oven and Bobby and I stayed. I took this opportunity to explain to him about investing and how making money this way was different from having a job.

Hurricane Ida is forming. It will be a Category 4 hurricane when it hits Louisiana tomorrow. It looks like it is just going to miss New Orleans.